ENEDI will participate in a new Ecological and Digital Transition (Transición Ecológica y Digital (TED) in Spanish) project. A line of work to advance in the decarbonization of the energy sector through the intelligent storage of thermal energy (STES4D), is developed in three subprojects of the University of the Basque Country, the CIEMAT research center and the University of Zaragoza, whose Engineering Group I3A Thermal and Energy Systems will manage the overall project. The launch meeting for the project took place on January 16, 2023 in the Betancourt building on the Río Ebro Campus.

The objective of the project is to contribute to the deployment of thermal energy storage systems (TES) that are capable of managing heat and cold to save energy. “If we can directly store, for example, the heat from the sun to also use it in the form of heat, it is not necessary to transform it into electricity, but rather store it and use it, achieving greater efficiency at a lower cost,” explains Ana Lázaro, a researcher at the Group of Thermal Engineering and Energy Systems (GITSE) of the I3A and coordinator of the project.

With the STES4D project, which will last two years, they intend to reduce CO2 emissions and the consumption of fossil resources, increasing the integration of renewable sources in the production and management of energy. “The objective is to take advantage of resources such as solar energy or residual heat from industries in order to, for example, avoid using the boiler and having to burn natural gas.” A model that, says Ana Lázaro, is already implemented in Denmark where they use seasonal storage systems, “they use the heat from the summer sun to provide heating in winter.”
