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ENEDI brings science to schools and institutes through the “Circular Science” activity
Circular Science is an activity that is carried out throughout the course and is integrated into the program of the European Night of Researchers, an...

Conference | Vulnerability and energy poverty: Diagnosis, strategies and the role of the University and civil society
Conference | Vulnerability and energy poverty: Diagnosis, strategies and the role of the University and civil society
November 13 8.30am

ENEDI participation in the Summer School 23 of the SMACCs master’s degree
Between July 3 and 7, the Summer School of the Erasmus Mundus SMACCs (Smart Cities and Communities) Master was hold in Thessaloniki (Greece). The...

Vulnerability and energy poverty: Diagnosis and tools from the university and civil society
On 13th November, ENEDI will organise the conference "Vulnerability and energy poverty: Diagnosis and tools from the university and civil society" at...

ENERPAT: Cocréation de solutions territoriales enegétiquement efficace d’Ecorénovation de l’habitat Résidential PATrimonial des centres anciens du SUDOE
Improving energy efficiency policies in public buildings and housing through networking and joint...