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4th follow-up meeting of the STES4D project in Almería
On January 16 and 17, the 4th monitoring meeting of the STES4D project and the launch meeting of the new Sustain3 project took place at the...

Can ChatGPT AI Replace or Contribute to Experts’ Diagnosis for Renovation Measures Identification?
Building energy renovations demand expertise from professionals to guide processes, including diagnostics, project planning, interventions, and...

A CFD results-based reduced-order model for latent heat thermal energy storage systems with macro-encapsulated PCM
Macro-encapsulation of phase change material (PCM) is a promising approach to overcome a serious drawback of many latent heat thermal energy...

Model predictive control with self-learning capability for automated demand response in buildings
This paper presents an optimal management strategy, called Building Optimizer, based on a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach with self-learning...

Thermoeconomic Analysis in Advanced Cogeneration Systems in Buildings
In this work thermoeconomics is applied to a central thermal system covering three buildings that consists of a cogeneration engine, an aerothermal...